All You Zombies

I think Wal-Mart combines a brain paralyzing chemical agent with the air supply in their stores, thus rendering all shoppers clinically stupid. All shoppers but me, of course.


Anonymous said...

Yes.......because the world revolves around only you.

Unknown said...

It's about damn time you got with the "It's All About Kari" program.

Anonymous said...

Lord how I love me the Redneck Mall that is Wal-Mart! People are just rendered dumb upon entering though.

The Seeker said...

I;ve been to Wal-Mart once in my life... in Canada. I'd never seen anything like it :p

Anonymous said...

I call them Wal-Martians...they are ususally identified by the spandex stretchy pants that are two to three sizes too small and the "deer in the headlights" stare.....